Saturday 17 August 2024

Return to Drake’s Island

 👻 Preparing for a return trip to Drake’s Island, Plymouth, Devon. Shadow Tor have spent many hours on the island, recording and scanning the ruins as they are uncovered, buried deep under decades of ivy and bushes. 

The island was originally a religious site, with a small chapel on the summit, but by the 15thC the island had become a fortified bastion, protecting Plymouth from invasion. War and defence have shaped the island, through Napoleonic and 2 World Wars. Tunnels and ammo stores form a warren of passages beneath the grassy mound, most from the 1860’s, but others are harder to date. There was a fort atop the island in the 16thC, with much rumour of secret cells and even an oubliette. 💀

Sir Francis Drake set sail from the island to circumnavigate the globe, James Cook left on two explorations, as well as Charles Darwin in 1831. 🐢 

Shadow Tor got involved with the island following an initial trip and corresponding write-up for HAUNTED Magazine. We were impressed by the ghost stories and old ruins. 

Several capture jobs later, and one sleepover, we’re now preparing for a full investigation this Monday. The Ghost Time crew on this occasion will be Matt 'Bear' Clark leading, with Jonathan Boakes and Emma Harry as willing assistants. The good ‘ol gadgets are packed, research done and we’re ready for an adventure. 

🎥 We will be filming and recording the experience.

Monday 8 April 2024

A Digital Adventure - Producing digital graphics for Time Team: Modbury

A Digital Adventure - Producing digital graphics for Time Team: Modbury


June 14, 2023

Preparations are well underway for a big archaeology dig! After a lot planning by the Time Team production team, a three-day, classic Time Team experience looms, deep in the Devon countryside. Anticipation is high, the community dig is planned to include a multitude of archaeology ‘test pits’ in various locations around the village, all under wraps until the weekend.

First it’s time to pack and get all the tech together. Matt ‘Bear’ Clark lives in Cornwall, just over the border in Looe, where much of the digital magic happens in his ‘Shadow Tor Studios’.

3D scanning equipment, a variety of cameras and a wide assortment of gadgets and peripherals get packed up ready for action. Lightboxes for artefact photography, VR viewers and macro lenses are among the items, as Time Team moves with the times; utilising current tech is hugely exciting for Bear and the Time Team Crew.

Arriving on the scene, for a two night stay in Looe, is Naomi Sewpaul, Time Team’s archaeozoologist, often found by the floatation tank on digs, sifting through soil samples, looking for her fave things, bones! For now, it’s a pleasant time to catch up and discuss what’s on the agenda over the weekend. A pizza and pint in the ancient Jolly Sailor Inn, West Looe, seemed a good place to do so, recalling many Time Team episodes that often ended in a pub, rather than start in one. Cheers.

It also gives Bear time to try out the latest TiltFive, an AR 3D presentation tool. Unlike VR headsets, the TiltFive is a lovely light headset, which adds 3D content to the real-world space. It’s great to study archaeological finds, without fear of dropping them! Naomi is suitably impressed, as there’s genuine wow factor to seeing 3D scanned items appear on Bear’s coffee table.

It’s going to be very cool to exhibit finds over the weekend, and introduce a few of the specialists and visitors to this new tech. But, what will be displayed? Bear and Naomi speculate about what to expect. Will they find evidence of Modbury’s past? What finds to expect, and where will they be found? And lastly, do they know who’s doing the catering, as lunch is an important part of a ‘Time Team’ day.

June 13 2024

Someone with answers, series producer Karen Kirk, arrives in Looe to join Bear and Naomi for fun at the seaside. It’s good fun to wonder how the three-day dig will go. It’s hard to describe the anticipation of a new dig, but with the sun shining, it was looking to be a big adventure.

Time Team - Modbury
Day 0 - June 15 2024

Whizzing across the border, the team head through glorious Devonshire countryside, and narrow rural lanes to arrive at the town of Modbury. A quaint, quiet little village, half an hour from Plymouth.

Setting up in the village hall, it’s all go! The data dome is erected outside, hub inside - lightboxes at the ready and powerful desktop computers are fired up ready for finds and 3D data processing.  

Overseeing all the recent Time Team digs, is knitted Mick Ashton, sorely missed by all the team, but hopefully attending in spirit. His presence is good boost for the team. Let’s get to it! What are your secrets, Modbury, what can you reveal to us. We have three days to find out.

Time Team - Modbury
Day 1 - June 16 2024

The Dig begins! It’s not long before Bear has his first job, and it’s a great one. Cannon Ball! Nothing says Civil War more than artillery and musket balls. It’s heavy too, it’s amazing to think these projectiles were used during the Civil War to annihilate buildings, the friction often causing damage through the resulting fire more than anything. Interestingly enough, this cannon ball appears to be unfired, perfectly intact, offering an insight into the technology of war of the time.

This is a great start. The cannon ball will make its way into digital format and eventually become a nice object for Time Teams ‘Virtual Museum’.

Eventually, Modbury proves very fruitful for exhibition finds, with musket balls, glassware and tiny lead soldiers all presented in the ‘virtual dome’.  This VR and interactive space is a great place to study items, anywhere in the world, at any time. The famous Time Team dome makes a suitable exhibition space.

Test pits revealed! A handy map is distributed to the crew, revealing the locations of the 1 metre by 1 metre ‘test pits’. Back gardens, the church, school, and even the pubs the Exeter Inn and Rose and Crown are on the map, so it was time to get digging. It's nice to catch up with members of the Time Team crew, including Dr Henry Chapman. Bear has attending digs with Henry a few times, from the Roman Villa at Broughton to spooky tombs at Halston. Henry is Time Teams ‘Surveyor’ and has been with the show since 2002. His big stick is used for mapping precise positions, adding to the knowledge base across the dig.

Up at the Primary School, Professor Carenza Lewis makes a start on the unassuming site, with a little help from Bear ‘breaking the turf’. Several weeks of sunny weather (honest!) has dried out the turf, making it comparable to concrete when it comes to spade action. But, through might and sheer will power, the turf is lifted to reveal the secrets of the soil.

With excavations underway, all across Modbury, artefacts come thick and fast. Old tin soldiers, bottle tops, old style ring pulls and a golf tee among the less important finds, but still fun to find. Bones, teeth, pottery and glassware are also found, catalogued and presented ready for scanning... But first, it’s already lunch time.

Refreshed and hydrated it’s back to work. 3D processing gets underway on several key artefacts, many of which will eventually feature in the TV show. Further afield, Jonathan (Shadow Tor crew) is dispatched to the church, a stunning building, with huge spire and glorious golden weather cock. Outside, Jonathan scans anything that looks like it may be significant.

A font, outside on the SE corner, catches his eye and is readily scanned for evaluation. Further exterior stonework reveals some ‘recycling’ of older building materials. Word is, an ancient manor house and priory once stood not to far from the church, so could any of these items be significant? If in doubt, scan it!

Inside the church, St.Georges’, extensive renovations are taking place in the predominantly 700 year old place of worship. Curious worn effigies linger in the old decorative arches, some totally unrecognisable as human figures, whereas others still sport their tool belts and fine attire. If the effigies could speak, what secrets would they share?

Day 1 is drawing to a close, as the diggers down tools and look forward to a spot of dinner. All the crew are staying on Sutton Harbour, in Plymouth. It’s the first time many have an opportunity to swap notes, more speculation, but generally have a bit of a wind down.

The staff at the hotel are super, as catering for 60 plus specialists and crew is a big task; satisfied and well fed, the crew head off to bed. It’s an early start the next day, as Time Team hours are very precious.

Day 2 – June 17 2023

7am - It’s another lovely day in Devon. Bear chooses which shirt to wear, ha ha, from three matching plaid check shirts, his very recognisable outfit.  A big breakfast to start the day.

The crew make their way back to Modbury. Within half an hour, everyone is back on the job in hand. Tell us your secrets Modbury!

Dr. Richard Parker, Historic Building Archaeologist, and Bear take a tour of the town. Richard is keen to point out all the intriguing bits of repurposed stonework scattered across Modbury. Are they parts of the ancient Champernowne Manor, the long-lost priory or something else? Further filming upstairs at the pub, the Exeter Inn, reveals a stunning 400+ hundred-year-old plaster ceiling (there’s much older timbers too, in the attic spaces of the Modbury pubs, quite amazing). It is thought that Civil War conspirators may well have met in this very room, overlooking Church Street, puffing on clay pipes and downing a few local brews. The old oak timbers likely absorbed a lot of this activity, smoke included, as old pubs do.

12 thousand people were involved in the battle of Modbury, in 1643, it’s quite eerie to imagine the thoughts and prayers of the pro-Royalist folk, as Parliamentarian forces approached from Exeter and Plymouth.

Back at the hub, Richard advises Matt on the likely appearance of the ancient house, a Champernowne Manor, of some considerable wealth and status. Richard’s knowledge is invaluable, as Bear will be rebuilding the place in full 3D at a later date. So, what did it look like, and where are all the parts?

Archaeology is everywhere in Modbury. The test pits and specialists find components of the old buildings all around the church area of town; back garden ornaments, church walls, garden steps and even a curb stone, right outside one of the few Modbury pubs, the White Hart. It’s quite wild to think the curb was once a very fancy fireplace, up at the manor. Now, it’s a curio by the zebra crossing. If you’re in the area, take a look! Inside the pub, Jonathan is fascinated to find a beautifully presented Elizabethan well! It’s very cool.

Lunch time!!

A time to catch up, get hydrated and enjoy some more delicious grub from ‘Ebbies Kitchen’ the on-site caterers. Having food close to the action is essential, hours are precious, and dietary requirements can be pointed out well ahead of time. Meat free, gluten free, Lacto free… you got it! All from a small catering van, with efficiency and tasty puddings. 

The day wraps up with excitement. Curious pot fragments, bits of tile and high-status glass ware. It’s fascinating to think the folk up at the manor may have sipped from the glass, 400 years ago. Food for thought as we make our way back to Sutton Harbour.

Day 3 - June 18 2023

Matt greets Jim Stitson, a descendent of the famous hat makers, once based in Modbury. Jim is fascinated by the finds, and especially the ancient font (scanned up at the church)  as his ancestors may well have been baptised in the very same font. It looks great on the TiltFive, an AR version, to be studied and enjoyed.

It’s now late on Day 3, and the ‘big shoot’ approaches. Bear has planned to film several crew members, reenactors and living historians in the top field, a gorgeous green paradise perfect for some greenscreen work. Whizzing up the site in a buggy, Bear finds the field is a buzz of activity.

Archaeologist, Hilde Van Der Heul is already in full Civil War garb for filming a ‘cameo’ sequence. Handy! The crew have been busy cooking up gunpowder, making musket balls and firing a few [non existent] cannon balls across the Modbury landscape. Exciting stuff.

Bear has an hour or so to film the green screen performers, so it’s a quick change for many. Off with the 21st century gear, and back to the 17thC. Itchy woolen garments, musket guns, swords and bandoliers are hastily thrown on, and it’s straight on to the filming.

Charge! Let’s face those Parliamentarians with everything we’ve got. The battle for Modbury begins, again! With plenty of footage in the can, Bear is last to face the battle, in gorgeous red breeches and rough woolen beany. Did Modbury successfully repel Sir William Ruthvens forces? Watch the Time Team episodes to find out! As you probably already know, SPOILER,  they didn’t. Instead, local Runaway Lane reveals the truth of the matter. Stewart Ainsworth goes Go-Pro, on his own during the episodes, to retrace the steps of the Modbury forces.

What a thrilling three-day dig. To climax the community dig, all of Modbury were invited to come chat and meet the team up at the village hall. Snacks, wine and beer are laid out, as everyone takes a big sigh, and enjoys a round of applause, not least for Time Team presenter Gus Casely-Hayford and Danni Wootton, community archaeologist, often seen presenting Time Team news too. Finally, series creator Tim Taylor thanks everyone involved for their hard work.

Some make their way home at this point, an exciting dig is over, but most return to Sutton Harbour to relax and enjoy a few drinks. A very traditional Time Team closure. A bouquet of flowers for Danni, well done, and a cheeky cocktail to unwind. Naomi also spots a kids unicorn toy, realising it’s the perfect size, she has a little gallop around the garden much to everyone’s amusement. 

The dig is over.

But… work is just beginning... 


June 20th, 2023

A challenging greenscreen shoot takes place in Cornwall, in the glorious outdoors, with a friends horse and pony. Big star Luna gets a starring role, as she patiently takes direction from the big Bear with the funny green curtain. 

Memories of that hot afternoon are beautiful, filming historical scenes in a beautiful corner of Cornwall. Modbury was cattle country, 400 years ago, and horses were hard workers. The Stitson family emigrate shortly after the Civil War, taking their leather craft and knowledge to the New World.

Stitson becomes Stetson, and the famous hat company is born. The Stetsons did have a hat shop in Modbury right up to the 1990’s, proving the cordwainers and crafts people were destined for big things. 


February 9th, 2024

Several months later, Bear returns to St.Georges to scan the newly returned ‘Stitson Pew’. It was put under wraps during the renovations, but is now gloriously revealed and ready to be scanned.

Originally, this wooden seat may have been a ‘box pew’, a kind of ‘private box’ used for the gentry from the manor. Again, it is quite eerie to think about who may have sat here, what were their thoughts and marvel at it surviving all this time, obviously in much lesser state. Modbury is rightfully very proud of its historical and archaeological treasures. It’s a very pleasant town to return to, even if the hot summer days are a distant memory. Rain, drizzle and wind on a chilly February day. [yeah, that hasn’t changed yet, Ed]

Bear also returns to the Exeter Inn, to capture the ornate plaster ceiling. He plans to create a 3D reconstruction of a night the conspirators dwelt in the old room, nearly 400 years ago. 


21st February 2024

Green screen work at Plymouth University, under the watchful gaze of Bear. Mark Griffin, living historian, has dispatched Civil War clothing and gear to make sure we are as authentic as possible. A few willing victims drag up in 17thC gear, and act as the infamous ‘conspirators’.  They will be added as live actors to Bears historical reconstruction of the Exeter Inn.

Joining us, we are honoured to welcome Rosemary Griggs, historian and author, to play Lady Champernowne. Rosemary was present during the dig, back in 2023, an eerie sight on the old streets of Modbury. An absolute pleasure to work with, Rosemary amazes us all by sharing she makes all her historical dresses and accessories. It’s absolutely stunning, and Bear knows straight away that she MUST appear in the 3D version of the ancient manor. Rosemary is delighted at the idea, having researched Modbury and the historical royalists for decades, writing several books along the way.

Big thanks also to Griff, Chris, Musaab, Tam and Motto for their assistance. The day is spent capturing lots of cool sequences, from shady conspirators to aloof country men, who didn’t know one end of the musket from the other.


23rd February 2024

Richard Parker delivers a tip, when it comes to visualising the Champernowne Manor. Not far up the road from Looe is Cotehele (pronounced Coat Heel), a stony old estate with windows and masonry thats fits our era, as do parts of Dartington Hall. Motto, Bear and Jonathan head off to take photographs as reference material and capture some nice stonework textures, for use in the 3D reconstruction. It’s an enchanting Spring day, and Cotehele proves to be perfect.

Hundreds of photographs are taken, an invaluable resource, all helping to improve Bears understanding of the buildings that would have stood in Modbury. Eventually, hundreds of 3D components are built, including those scanned in Modbury, to bring the old place back to life.

Modbury’s big posh house will live again.

 You can watch the Time Team episodes here: 

 Day 1: Modbury Community Dig
 Day 2: Modbury Community Dig
 Day 3: Modbury Community Dig


Sunday 7 April 2024

Working with horses. Green-Screen filming for Time Team

Working with horses, Green-Screen filming in Summer 2023, in deepest Cornwall, to be part of the Time Team Modbury historic recreation graphics and footage.

Time Team: English Civil War comes to Modbury

Time Team: English Civil War comes to Modbury

Preparing for battle: The English Civil War comes to Modbury. Who won? Check the episodes of Time Team: Modbury to find out, as the team unearth the secrets of a quiet Devon village.

Shadow Tor created a series of videos featuring the Time Team crew to help illustrating the past.

Return to Drake’s Island

 👻 Preparing for a return trip to Drake’s Island, Plymouth, Devon. Shadow Tor have spent many hours on the island, recording and scanning t...