Tuesday 2 August 2016

Tintagel Castle - Archaeological Dig - Day 14

Tintagel Castle - Archaeological Dig - Day 14

Day 14, and my last day on the dig site at Tintagel Castle - TCARP 2016.

Tintagel Castle - Archaeological Dig - Trench Tristan #theta360 #theta360uk -

Today was a busy day at the dig site up on Tintagel Castle, as we wrapped up on the plotting, elevations, photographs, digging, and recording, at each of the four trenches. 

Tintagel Castle - Archaeological Dig - Trench C #theta360 #theta360uk -
It was a flurry of tape measures, measuring sticks, planning boards and levels as everybody busied themselves on the Southern and Eastern Terrace.

 Time to capture those last few interviews and trench shots for the ‘Digging For Britain Dig Diaries’.

Interpreting the walls and stones in Trench Mark (D), as the waves, barely visible for most of the day, crash on the coastline below.

Tintagel Castle - Archaeological Dig - Trench Mark #theta360 #theta360uk -

The Crew of Trench Mark – well minus a few guest appearances now and then.

Backfilling the trenches on the Eastern Terrace.

As the day came to a close, it was time to say goodbye to Tintagel for 2016... Till Next Time...

Monday 1 August 2016

Tintagel Castle - Archaeological Dig - Day 13

Tintagel Castle - Archaeological Dig - Day 13

Day 13. 13 is unlucky for some. Today it certainly was for us at the dig site on Tintagel. Heavy wind and rain swept across Cornwall, replacing yesterdays blistering hot sunshine and blue sky with an ongoing downpour...  But we do love to moan about the weather, it’s a national hobby after all.

Keeping anything dry proved a little tricky today, with much drying of cameras between filming, whilst records, elevations and remaining trench finds were being gathered.  

Rather than filling the trenches with stone when we backfill, larger excavated stone and rocks are being stacked into the form of a wall. Only the looser earth will be put back, as next summer we hope to be lifting it all back out again as part of the ongoing investigation. 2016’s trenches are only exploratory to evaluate what is hidden beneath the surface.

On the Eastern Terrace, Richard talks me though the base layer of Trench Tristan for the cameras.

Wet Sieving continues. Martin watches his samples proudly, as they are blown dry under the cover of the gazebo, set up down beside the haven.

What’s that coming through the fog... oh it's more rain! 

Benj explains the perils of trying to plot out his trench drawings in the pelting rain, as he slowly watches his work washing off the pages. The trenches however are looking nice and clean now!

Return to Drake’s Island

 ðŸ‘» Preparing for a return trip to Drake’s Island, Plymouth, Devon. Shadow Tor have spent many hours on the island, recording and scanning t...