It’s press day at Tintagel Castle Archaeological Dig. TV crews ascend the island, cameras and presenters at the ready, to interview and capture footage showing the ongoing dig, for BBC and ITV news.
Filming Dig Diaries for ‘Digging For Britain’ continues... filming the filming... Trying to capture the daily events, which included the start of the Wet Sieving today.
Jacky is interviewed in Trench C, taking a closer look at some of the pottery and glass finds which have been unearthed.
Filming views over the Southern Terrace, with Trench C and D (Geraint and Mark). The position, just below the high cliffs, provide the opportunity to get views down into the trenches, which has also aided in evaluating the emerging floor surfaces and walls, in addition to the changes in the soils, and other surrounding earthworks.
Back in Trench D we start to unearth a new section, as an extension to the trench will seek to identify what we believe to be an external wall.